Quran Reading Приложения

Tajweed Quran Tarteel Rules 2.0
Quran Reading
Quran Reading wishes you All a Very Happy andBlessed Ramadan 2016Tajweed Quran is a Smartphone application that helps Muslimsall over the world in reciting the Holy Quran according to correcttechniques of pronunciation of the sacred verse. It encloses allthe necessary information regarding Tajweed e Quran enabling one tomaster the skills of Quran Narration.FeaturesThe unique characteristics of this mobile app are:• Easily understandable User Interface.• Simple presentation all the useful content.• Mukhraj ul Huroof section consists of almost all the essentialAlphabets (Alif, Taa, Jeem, Zhal and Qawf etc.) that comerepeatedly throughout Quran along with their accurate way ofarticulations.• Stopping Signs part comprises of all the recurring marks andsymbols in the recitation in conjunction with their actualimplications.• Components of Tajweed inform the user about 10 imperativeconstituents of Tajweed (Silent Letters, Harkat and Sukoon etc.)together with their repercussions during the recital.• Rules of Tajweed include all significant regulations related toPronunciations of the words such as those of Nun Sakin, Meem Sakin,Raa, Laam and Hamza.• It also incorporates Daily Notification attribute letting oneknow about a key fact regarding Quran Reading every day.• Share App facet enables the user to distribute information aboutthis useful app to others via different sharing platforms.Download this free and lucid application containing all thenecessary rules of Quran Recital to be able to learn Quran Majeedin the most rightful manner.
Halal Food Guide for Muslims 1.4
Quran Reading
Food Guide is a helpful app to differentiate Halal and Haram food,Ramadan 2017
Catch It Halal Kids Game 2020 1.8
Quran Reading
Catch It Halal is an Android Islamic learning game that helps theuser in knowing the foods that are Halal and the ones that areHaram. For Muslims it is imperative to know the kind of foods theyeat, and learning it with a game is perhaps the most fun way oflearning. Catch it Halal is significant for the Muslims living inWest to understand the difference between Halal and Haram. WithCatch It Halal, Muslim parents can also teach their childrenregarding the foods that are permissible in Islam and the ones thatare not so that the next time they go to market, they select theright foods. Features: • Play the game in the three different modesnamely Easy, Medium and Hard. • Numerous daily Halal foods to becaught in the three buckets while avoiding the catching of Haramfoods. • Picking of Halal foods comes with points while Haram foodscause you a loss of basket with each catch. • Every time you pickan apple you get the bucket back. • Share result on your socialnetwork and challenge others too. • Play and pause option. •Attractive sound with option to disable.
Lil Muslim - Arabic for Kids 2.0
Quran Reading
Quran Reading wishes you All a Very Happy andBlessed Ramadan 2016LilMuslim is an Islamic preschool learning App for Muslimkids to learn Arabic Alphabets and Islamic Duas in a unique and funway with two book levels.LilMuslim is an interactive way to let your child learn the Islamicalphabets and Islamic Duas via enriched graphics and user friendlyUI that never lags and keeps the child amusement intact. The gameconsists two easy-go- through phases, which are further dividedinto their respective levels.Book 1: Learn Arabic AlphabetsThe focus of book one is completely on helping kids to learn ArabicAlphabets through following fun encapsulated levels:Level One: In this level, kids learn to recognize eachQuranic/Arabic Alphabet with proper pronunciation. The kids have topop balloons that contain the right alphabet.Level Two: The second level teaches Arabic Qaida sequence tothe kids. Kids have to shoot the moving objects on the wheelcontaining the hinted alphabet.Level Three: It is the advanced learning level of the gamewhere kids have to recognize Arabic alphabets without any visualhint.Note - In order to go to next level, the kid has to fullypass or complete the previous one.Book 2: Learn Kids DuaBook 2 is the extension of Book 1 except that it imparts thelearning of Kids Dua for Muslim kids with Mp3 Audio and attractiveanimations. It further consists of two parts:Part One: Part one comprises first 17 levels which help inLearning significant Muslim Kids Dua with the help of interactivePuzzles.Part Two: Rest of the levels have quiz to test the learningof Kids through banner identification with the Islamic Duas thatpop on screen.Why LilMuslim Game?Parents do not find enough time to teach their kids regarding thebasics of Quran and its teachings, for such parents this App isquite a relief, which is easy to play and fun to learn.
Islamic Memory Game for Kids 1.8
Quran Reading
Islamic Memory is a free mobile game thatchallenges your mind’s ability to grasp the images and focus. Itchecks how much attention your mind gives and how quickly your mindresponds in return.NOTE:There is no age limit for this game to play but it can explicitlyhelp your kids in a longer run to be familiar with Islamic imagesand concepts.Categories included in this game comprise Islam for kidsincluding section covering Math games, Memory games, Drag and seek.Each category has further 8 levels which moves from simple todifficult with the help of familiar Islamic images.Instructions to play game:Following are the points that a user should keep in mind priorinstalling this game:• In Match mode of the memory game, similar images should bematched within 10 seconds or you’ll lose the game.• In Drag mode, drag the image back to its original basket withinthe specified time.• In Seek mode, you have to observe the image blocks carefully andswap them back to original position by tapping on them.• You can unlock the Drag game only when all levels of Image Matchgame have been cleared. Similarly, play all levels of Drag IslamicMemory Game to unlock the Seek Image position game.• To increase the difficulty level in each mode, number of imagesto be matched is increased.• Number of chances allowed at matching the pictures increases withthe difficulty level.• Time limit to accomplish each level increases with increasingdifficulty level.Download this game for kids and let them familiarize with thecore concepts of Islam in a fun way.
Five Pillars of Islam 2020 1.3
Quran Reading
The Smartphone application of Five Pillars of Islam is a must haveeducational mobile tool for all the Muslims as it consists ofnecessary information about all 5 Components of Islam, i.e.Shahadah (Completion of Faith), Salah (Daily Prayers), Zakat(Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (Pilgrimage). Features: Some ofthe most distinguished features of this mobile phone app are givenbelow: • Nice display of the text as well as overall userinterface. • Swiping option is present within each Descriptionmaking it easy to scroll through all detail effortlessly. •Complete detail about every Islamic Pillar leading to user`scomprehensive know-how about them. • Share choice helps in lettingsothers get familiar with this highly useful app utilizing differentonline distribution platforms. Categories: The information in thismobile app is divided into 5 groups which are actually the 5Pillars of Islam: 1. Shahadah The very first Pillar is that ofaccomplishment of Religious Conviction which is explained in thissection. Components (Believing in One God and Prophet MuhammadPBUH) and Conditions (Certainty, Acceptance and Submission etc.) ofShahadah are adequately described here. 2. Salah Information likeTypes of Salah (Fard, Wajib and Sunnah etc.), Qibla,Pre-requisites, Makrooh Things, Doubts and Valid Doubts, DressRequirements and Requisites of offering Namaz are explained in thissegment. 3. Zakat Here, User comes to know about all the necessarythings about Charity in Islam like Entitlement of Receiving andGiving, Obligatory Requirements to be fulfilled and Concept ofNisab (Minimum amount to be paid). 4. Sawm In this segment, the appconsumer is informed concerning essential matters related toFasting such as its Types, Things invalidating it, Conditions ofnon observance, Exempted Individuals and Kaffarah of missed Sawm.5. Hajj The fifth and last Constituent of Islam, i.e. Hajj issufficiently described in this division in terms of itsPrerequisites, Preparation, Fundamental and Compulsory Acts toaccomplish, and Components of Pilgrimage. Get this free and userfriendly Smartphone application of Five Pillars of Islam in orderto increase your knowledge regarding successful achievement ofchief Islamic Obligations.
Quran with Persian Translation 1.3
Quran Reading
Quran Persian is a complete Android Quran forthe native Farsi Speakers to facilitate them with the divineteachings of Quran e Kareem. It has covered all 144 chapters ofQuran in easy-to-use and user-friendly interface.Major features on main screen include Quran, which has encapsulatedall the Makhi and Madani chapters along translation In Persian andtransliteration with quick settings as per user requirements.Sajda (bow) has included all the 14 places in Quran where it iscompulsory for a Muslim recitor to bow down and prostrate in frontof Allah.Stopping Signs has covered significant rules for the recitation andlearning of Quran. It has enlisted all those Arabic signs which areimportant to consider whilst recitation of Quran e Kareem. Thisfeature is important for those who are new to learning and want torecite Quran with proper Tajweed (Quran rules).Settings within Quran entail:· Change of Font style and Font size for user ease ofaccessibility.· Change of language other than Persian that includes Chinese,English, Bangla, Malay, Urdu, Spanish, Dutch, French, andIndonesian. Choose which language deem appropriate and easy for therecitation and memorization of Quran.· Mp3 audio Recitation of each word, verse, and entire chapter ofQuran· Go To option for quick access and launch of desirable versewithin Quran· Save settings and sharing options on user desirable socialmedium.Quran is a book of guidance for those who want to seek andcontemplate it. Download this feature-enrich Islamic Applicationand grab maximum bounties of Allah Rab ul Aalameen.
Surah Rahman Bangla 1.0
Quran Reading
Surah Rahman Bangla is an Islamicandroid app which is designed to facilitate the people ofBangladesh and enlightened them with the knowledge of Surah Rahman.The spirit of this app is to spread the knowledge of divine Book inthe people.Following are the distinctive feature of this app:Essential features of this app:• Translation and Transliteration: Translation of SurahRahman in English and Bengali language makes the learning easierespecially for those people who belong to Bangladesh are not wellaware of Arabic Language.• Benefits and Blessings: This section of Surah describesthe blessings and benefits which the reciter achieve after therecitation of that Surah.• Audio Recitation: Audio Recitation of each and every versein multiple Heart touching voices makes this app more attractivefor the user.• Switch to Start: Through this option user can switch tothe start of the Surah from where he wants.• Font size: This feature allowed the user to change thefont according to their conformability level.Download this app for free and get the blessings and rewards fromAllah Almighty on the Day of Judgment
Surah Yasin en français 1.1
Quran Reading
Surah Yasin avec le français Traduction & Récitation
McLean Mosque Info 1.2
Quran Reading
Know the number of available: • Parking Space in Mosque Parking •People Space inside Mosque • Additional Comments by Imam regardingMosque Currently available for following Mosques: • McLean Mosque
Quran Vocabulary Memorization 1.1
Quran Reading
Quran Vocabulary is a utility Appwhichis designed with the purpose for imparting information aboutArabiclanguage which includes almost every Arabic word helpinginlearning of Quran words eventually. This App includes Englishwordsand their counter Arabic words along mp3 Audio.Home Screen:It comprises 40 Chapters explaining with examples the purposeandmeanings of specific word included in these chapters.Quiz Section has included checking the understandingofthe users and how much he/she has comprehended from theincludedchapters.Features include:• English Vocabulary along Arabic meanings• Audios of every word in Arabic for clear understanding• Easy to use and easy to swipe feature• Selection of language from Urdu or English• Daily notification optionQuran Vocabulary is an Android App which is useful foreducatingMuslims all around the world with the useful vocabularywords ofQuran e Kareem. Quran Kareem is Allah’s book and hasguidance forall which makes it important for all Muslims tounderstand everysingle word for the intention of Quranmemorization.
Lil Muslim 3 1.0
Quran Reading
Welcome to LilMuslim community! Withyour warm appreciation we are able to launch yet another LilMuslimIslamic preschool learning App series for the Muslim kids with somenew levels of learning. In this build kid will able to learn andpronounce short Surahs of Quran which eventually will lead them tolearn these surahs by heart in fun and interactive way:Quran short surahs:Quran short surahs include:Suarh KausarSurah NaasSurah FalaqSurah AsrSurah IkhlasQuiz: Level & QuizGame includes different levels for learning short Surahs of AlQuran in a game way. It comprises three partsLearning- Match & Drag: Kids/toddlers will learnSurahs by match and drag option in which joining exact puzzles willdisplay the complete Ayah of Surah on screen. This is learningphase which will let user to memorize Ayah Words.Full Recitation: After finishing level 1, kid will beredirected to listen to complete audio recitation of Surah. Thisfeature is one of the ace features which will guide Muslim kid incorrecting his/her pronunciation of Arabic words.Tap on Right word: Tap on right word of Ayah in sequence to testkid memory.Features include:Friendly and colorful GUIWord by word recitationReplay and share optionDownload this unique Android app for your kids and make thembest practicing Muslims. Do drop in your feedback and rate us andwe love to hear from you!
Arabic ABC World - Muslim Kids 1.2
Quran Reading
Educational App for Muslim Kids to Learn Arabic and English Letters
Last Ten Surah 2020 2.2
Quran Reading
Last 10 Surah of Quran with recitation, English translation andtransliteration
Quran se Ilaj – Ayat e Shifa 1.2
Quran Reading
Quran se Ilaj (قرآن سے علاج) is a spiritual aiding Urdu AndroidApp, which is designed to cure the diseases with the help of sacredverses (Ayat e Shifa) of Quran. Quran is a blessing and holdsailment for almost all diseases that is why Allah says in Quranthat nothing but in the remembrance of Allah, hearts find solace.[13:28] Main Menu: Modern treatment though is more effective butwhen it comes to spiritual healing then it surpasses every othertreatment. The main menu of the App comprises diseases and theirrelated spiritual cure as per specified organs enlisted in the App.Screen contains different body parts, tapping on which furtherleads to their related diseases and cure accordingly. The cure aswell as the Dhikar is included in the App to facilitate the user atmaximum. List of Body parts & related diseases: Diseasesincluding eye diseases, oral diseases, hair diseases, braindiseases, heart diseases, kidney, blood, stomach, and all otherdisease are included in detail. Ayat e Shifa: This section containsthe blessed verses of Quran along their Urdu translation, whichimparts spiritual healing and soothing effect to the soul whenrecited. All such verses are included in this section of the App.All these verses are included with their respective reference fromthe Holy book of Quran. Indeed Quran is a complete package towardshealing regardless of the body part or disease type. In the time ofworrisome and anxiety this kind of App is a pure relief to have inour smart phones which will provide spiritual treatment wheneverone will be in dire need. Download, get maximum benefit, and rateus! Jazak’Allah!
Surah Rahman Bahasa Melayu 1.0
Quran Reading
Surah Rahman Melayu adalah satu aplikasi Islam telah melibatkansalah satu daripada surah yang paling terhormat Al-Quran Pak iaituSurah Ar Rahman. Aplikasi yang direka indah melibatkan penuh Surahe Rehman dengan Melayu penterjemahan, bacaan MP3 cantik (Tilawat)dalam suara 4 tuk popular (Qari), dan lain-lain bernilai memuatturun ciri-ciri untuk belajar, mendengar, membaca, dan menghafalSurah Ar Rahman. Berikut adalah ciri-ciri yang mengatakan aplikasiSurah yang besar ini: • Melayu Terjemahan dari Surah keseluruhan •Selain itu, terjemahan dalam 11 bahasa lain termasuk PerancisSepanyol, China, Parsi, Itali, Belanda, Indonesia, Bahasa, Melayu,Bengali, Bahasa Inggeris (Shahih) ke Bahasa Inggeris (Yusuf Ali)disertakan. • Listen Mp3 Tilawat in voice of popular Quran Recitersthat include: Qari Abdul Rahman Al Sudais, Qari Mishary Rashid AlAfsay, Qari Abdul Basit Abdus Samad, & Qari Saad Al Ghamdi •Selain itu, bahasa App boleh ditukar ke dalam tiga versi termasukBahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Melayu, & Indonesia. • Ciritransliterasi membantu mereka yang tidak boleh membaca Al-Qurandalam bahasa Arab. • Faedah & Rahmat tab akan membolehkan andauntuk membaca faedah, kebaikan, dan kepentingan Bab ini indahAl-Quran. • Beautiful design, excellent readability, andcustomization features enable the user to listen, read, and learnSurah Ar Rahman without any hassle. Download bab ini ilahi QuranMajeed dan mula membaca dan mendengar bacaan penuh perasaan Surah eRahman dengan terjemahan dalam Melayu & 11 bahasa lain.Sesungguhnya dalam kata-kata al-Quran, seseorang akan menemuiketenangan kepada hati.
Coran en Français-Quran MP3 2.1
Quran Reading
Français Coran est l'application de Coran complet avec larécitation, la traduction et la translittération du Coran Kareem.Lire l'article complet Coran sur votre smartphone à tout moment oùvous voulez. L'application vous apprend lire le Quran avec Tajwiden utilisant la récitation et translittération fonctions audio.L'application française Coran a des caractéristiques suivantes: •Tous les 114 sourates du Coran sont dans l'ordre. • Traduction duCoran en anglais pour comprendre le sens de l’Al-Quran. • En plusde l'anglais, la traduction du Coran en ourdou, espagnol, français,chinois, persan, italienne, hollandaise et indonésienne estégalement inclus dans l'application. • Translittération de Coranpour vous aider d’obtenir sur la prononciation des mots. •Récitation des sourates du Coran peut être téléchargée séparémentou vous pouvez télécharger l'audio complète Quran au format mp3. •Rechercher Sourate utilisant la barre de recherche. • Marquer leverset d'être en mesure de commencer la récitation de l'endroit oùvous l'avez laissé. Section paramètres comprend: 1. 3 polices decaractères arabes différents choisir parmi. 2. Changer la tailledes caractères que vous le souhaitez. 3. Réglez votre proprecouleur de la police et couleur de fond. 4. Sélectionnez pourafficher la traduction et de la translittération 5. Configurer unenotification de l'application pour vous rappeler le temps derécitation du Coran. Évaluer cette application et nous aider àdévelopper plus d’applications islamiques pour vous à l'avenir.
Surah Rehman Bahasa Indonesia 1.0
Quran Reading
Surah Rahman Indonesia adalahsebuahaplikasi Islam yang melibatkan salah satu surah yangpalingterhormat dari Quran Pak yaitu Surah Ar Rahman. Aplikasiinidirancang dengan indah memerlukan penuh Surah e Rehmandenganterjemahan Indonesia, bacaan MP3 indah (Tilawat) dalam suaradari 4reciters populer (Qari), dan fitur lainnya layak downloaduntukbelajar, mendengarkan, membaca, dan menghafal SurahArRahman.Berikut ini adalah fitur berasal dari aplikasi iniSurahbesar:• Terjemahan Indonesia dari seluruh Surah• Besides, Translation in 11 other languages includingFrenchSpanish, Chinese, Persian, Italian, Dutch, Indonesian,Hindi,Malay, Bengali, English (Saheeh) to English (Yusuf Ali)isincluded.• Listen Mp3 Tilawat di suara Quran reciters populer yangmeliputi:Qari Abdul Rahman Al Sudais, Qari Mishary Rashid Al Afsay,QariAbdul Basit Abdus Samad, & Qari Saad Al Ghamdi• Besides, App language can be changed into three versionsincludingEnglish, Malay, & Indonesia.• Fitur transliterasi membantu mereka yang tidak bisa membacaQurandalam bahasa Arab.• Manfaat & Berkah tab akan memungkinkan Anda untukmembacamanfaat, kebajikan, dan pentingnya Bab ini indahAl-Qur'an.• Desain yang indah, sangat mudah dibaca, dan kustomisasifiturmemungkinkan pengguna untuk mendengarkan, membaca, danbelajarSurah Ar Rahman tanpa kerumitan.Ambil bab ilahi ini Quran Majeed dan mulai membaca danmendengarkanpembacaan soulful dari Surah e Rahman dengan terjemahandiIndonesia & 11 bahasa lainnya. Sesungguhnya dalamkata-kataQuran, orang menemukan pelipur lara hati.
Islamic Wallpaper HD 2020 1.4
Quran Reading
Islamic Wallpaper is an Android App which is designed to provideMuslim users with beautiful Islamic images to customize theirAndroid phone. It has wide range of Islamic diversified wallpaperswhich are distributed in ten different categories. Categoriesinclude: • Names and qualities of Allah Almighty • Wallpapers aboutnames of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) • Wallpapers about Kalma of Islam• Eid wallpapers • Wallpapers of Quran Ayah • Mosques Wallpapers •Ramadan Wallpapers Features include: • High HD wallpapers and Highresolution images • Easy swipe feature • Favorite option • 10wallpapers in each category Download this beautiful Islamic AndroidApp which refreshes our faith once shattered. Download this freedivine App and add Islamic background touch to your smartphones.
Muhammad PBUH Friends & Family 1.3
Quran Reading
Learn about Family and Companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Ramadan2017
Never Miss Prayer - Salah 1.3
Quran Reading
Never Miss Prayer is aSmartphoneapplication that serves as a Personal Namaz Reminder forthoseMuslims who find it hard to offer their Prayers on timeespeciallyFajar Salah. It lets one select from a range of optionswhilstmaking Alarm usage amusing.FeaturesThe most distinct attributes of this mobile phone app are:• Very interesting User Interface along with fun options.• Set Alarm choice is meant for setting specific Prompt Time foraparticular Salah.• Alarm can be set off by the user by using any of thefourattention-grabbing ways, i.e. Tapping on Screen (10 to 30Taps),Shaking the Cell Phone (5 to 15 Shakes), Answering Questions(3 to9) in a Quiz or simple choosing Off.• App consumer can select different Triggers for each Salat.• It also tells about Starting Time of each Prayer inone`slocality.• One can choose its preferred Location as well.• Time Format in both 12 Hr and 24 Hr are available.• Alarm Sound can be chosen out of 3 Soulful Adhan and 3otherSounds.• One can select either of Hanafi or Shafi in theJuristicSection.• Calculation Method of the time of Salah can be chosen from anyofMWL, ISNA, Egypt, Makkah, Karachi, Tehran or Jafari.• Latitude Adjustment can be attuned to one of Angle Based,Midnightor One Seventh.• Reset All and Save options are available to alter or keepthealready made changes to Settings.• Share choice can also be utilized to let others know aboutthishandy Salah Reminder App through different SharingPlatforms.Download this Namaz Reminder App now which will greatly help youtooffer your Prayers on time.
Talking Lil Muslim Bachon ka Islam, Quran and Duas 2.0
Quran Reading
Lil Muslim(Bachon ka Islam) is an Islamic learning App forlittleand Adult Muslims to learn Islamic Duas and Qurani Surahs.LilMuslim comprises bachon ka Islamic package which is aninteractivelearn Quran/dua/surahs android game and designed toassist Muslimbachay and converts in learning daily Duas with games.This appfacilitates little Muslims to learn Short Quranic Duas,dailyIslamic Duas and other Islam/Muslim pro essentials. MainFeaturesof Lil Muslim: App acts as an Islamic tutor for Islamiclearning,In busy daily life, teaching Islamic knowledge to yourlittle one’sis always tough but now with these interactive featuresand gamingenvironment little Muslims can learn Quran quickly.Thanks to TeamLil Muslim who create this game with followingmodules: 1. TalkingLil Muslim character 3D 2. Learn ArabicAlphabets 3. Learn ShortSurahs of Quran for little Muslims 4. LearnIslamic & QuranicDuas What Exactly Bachon ka Islam(Lil Muslim)is: Bachon kiTarbiyat/Tarbiat, Bachon ki sehat, Bachon ke Islamiccartoon,bachon ke Islamic names in urdu, Islami Naam, bachon kiparwarish,bachon ki Duain, Bachon ka Quran, Bachon ka Urdu aurArabic Qaida,Bachon ki Islamic and Quran stories,bachon ki surahs,bachon kiurdu, Hindi aur Islami Kahaniyan, bachon ki kitaab, aurbachon kighiza are all included in bachon ki dunya aur Islamidunya/Quranicdunya that is also known as bachon ka Islam for Littlemuslims.Little Muslims will learn following below mentioned thingswith LilMuslim APP: bachon ki Duain Bachon ka Quran Bachon ki sehatBachonka Urdu aur Arabic Qaida Bachon ki Islamic and Quran storiesBachonke Islamic cartoon bachon ki kitaab bachon ki urdu Hindi aurIslamiKahaniyan Bachon ki urdu bachon ke Islamic names in urduIslamiNaam bachon ki parwarish Bachon ki Tarbiyat/Tarbiat bachonkisurahs Muslim & Islamic Learning APP for little one’sAurbachon ki ghiza all included in bachon ki dunya that is alsoknownas bachon ka Islam for which we need your feedback that willbehighly appreciable. Talking Lil Muslim is quran and IslamLearningapp & Muslim assistant for little Muslims, it is also aMuslimprayer learning, Muslim pro games, Muslim Hadith sahih,Muslimkeyboard, Muslim Quran, Muslim Quiz, Muslim Jokes, Muslimimagesand Muslim songs APP. The APP will contain Muslim videos,littleMuslim fashion and all above mentioned content in future. Wereallywant your feedback for this bachon ki Islamic learning APPtoimprove our upcoming package in future updates. Lil MuslimQuran,Islam and Dua Learning in fun way is also known as “BachonkaIslam” in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and sub-continentarea.Previously Bachon ka Islam name was also used by manymagazines whowere creating and publishing Quran and Islam LearningMaterial forchotay Muslims but the difference in Lil Muslim vs oldbachon kaIslam is that bachon ki Islamic dunya was just like bookandnothing was interactive but here in Lil Muslim Mobile animationandgaming technology make it very attractive and catchy forlittleone’s to Learn Quran, Good Deeds, Islamic knowledge and Dua’sandmany other spiritual stuff in innovative, interactive andgamingway. So this is the new and advance form of “Bachon kiIslamic andQuranic Learning”.
Namaz ka Tarika 1.46
Quran Reading
Learn how to perform step by step (Salah) Namaz in urdu language,Prayer Times
Quran With Chinese Translation 1.0
Quran Reading
Quran Reading wishes you All a Very Happy and Blessed Ramadan2017Quran Chinese (中国) is an Android Application designed forChinesespeaking people. It has a very easy user interface withChinesetranslation, Transliteration, and Mp3 Recitation of allSurahs ofQuran by famous Reciters. The application contains manyusefulfeatures that provides more pleasant experience of Quranreading.Some Features at a glance Some of the main features ofChineseQuran are: Chinese Translation: This features helps tounderstandthe message of Quran Majeed by translating Arabic versesit intoChinese language. 18 Languages: Other than Chinese,Translations inother languages like English, Urdu, French, Spanish,Russain,Persian, Italian, Dutch, Melayu, Hindi, Arabic Turkish,Bangla,Thai, Japanese, Portuguese and Indonesian are also included.AudioMp3 Recitation: Let’s Muslims to listen complete narration(Qiraatal Quran) of all Chapters in MP3 Format. Listen hearttouchingrecitations by Mishary Rashid Alafasy and Abdul RahmanAl-SudaisTransliteration: In English language Helps to pronounceArabic texteasily. Turn on Transliteration option to view verse byversetransliteration Quran Tajweed: Facilitates one to learn Quranwithproper pronunciation. This section is divided intointroduction,Makhraj ul Huroof, components and rules of Tajweed eQuran Quranvocabulary: Helps to learn daily life Arabic wordsmeaning withaudio along with few grammar sections like nouns andverbs Rabanaduas: Recite 40 rabana duas that are included in thissection ofQuran. Bookmarks: Allows you to favorite or save aspecific part ofthe recital process in order to continue from thesame point whereit was left. Qul Section: Provides word by wordrecitation withtranslation and transliteration of important Surahsof QuranProstration: Or Sajhdas are added to learn and remindprostrationplaces in Qur`an Search Quran: Use this section of Quranto findany chapter or lesson within the Quran. Juz and surah order:Youcan recite Quran Juz wise or in surah order. This featuresavesones time of scrolling through Quran verses to find where thejuzends. Now it’s just one tap away. Customized Settings: allowstochange font sizes and styles with other several optionsDownloadthis unique and helpful Quran application and Start itsrecitationto earn countless rewards and blessing.
Mp3 Audio Quran 2.2
Quran Reading
Recite and listen Quran with mp3 audio Quran
13 Line Quran Per Page 2.7
Quran Reading
Recite The Holy Quran with 13 line Quran Per Page for Android.
Surah Yasin Spanish 1.0
Quran Reading
Read Surah Yaseen with Translation, Transliteration and Recitationby 2 Reciters
Surah Yasin Russian 1.1
Quran Reading
Read Surah Yaseen with Translation, Transliteration and Recitationby 2 Reciters
Muslim Dua Now - Dua & Azkar 3.85
Quran Reading
Muslim Dua Now 2019 is an application consisting of BeneficialIslamic Duas divided in 18 major duas and azkar categories. It willhelp Muslims of all ages including Muslim kids and adults to know,learn, memorize, and recite different supplications for daily lifeand other occasions. The Translation, Audio Recitation, andTransliteration features are greatly useful in knowing the actualmeaning, recitation, and pronunciation of these daily Duasrespectively. It is the most authentic app for daily Du'a andAzkar. Features: i) Translation of Duas into English & Urdu toknow its implication. ii) Transliteration choice helps user inknowing correct way of articulating Islamic supplications inArabic. iii) Recitation for each dua is also given in applicationthat will also help the Muslims to know how to correctly recite aDua or Dhikr. iv) Search feature allows the user to find out Duasfeaturing the particular term. iv) 18 Duas Categories meant forachievement in different instances are available: •Morning/Evening: Contains daily supplications for After Waking up,Before Sleeping etc • Restroom: Entering and leaving the restroom •Prayer: Contains Duas for Wudu, Hearing Adhan, Replying to Call ofMoazin, Entering Masjid etc. • 40 Rabanas: A collection of 40Rabbanas Duas from the Holy Quran • Eat/Drink: Learn Duas for meali.e. Before eating, on finishing the Meal etc. • Dressing: Enlistssupplications for Wearing New Clothes, and getting Dressed andUndressed. • Travelling: Contains supplication While undertaking aNew Journey, upon Reaching Destination etc. • Family: For getting aChild, Duas and Azkar for Allah`s Protection for Children etc. •Home: Looking for a nice house and while leaving house for SpecialWork. • Blessings: Duas upon visiting the sick, praising otherMuslims etc. • Protection: When wind blows, against distractions ofSatan. • Forgiveness: Asking for Allah`s Forgiveness (Astaghfar),Replying Salam of non Muslim etc. • Fasting/Ramadan: Dua afterforgetting Fast Dua, family inviting for breaking fast etc. • Hajj:Daus for Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, on Day of Arafa etc. •Funeral/Grave: Dua For Dying person to say, while visiting Gravesetc. • Animal: For person stung by scorpion, mounting on animalsetc. • Rain: During and after rain and withholding of Rain. •Random: Dua against an enemy, being angry etc. v) Beautifulpresentation with eye soothing graphics. vi) Favorites option letsindividual to mark its most preferred Masnoon Duas for frequentusage vii) Font Size can be adjusted according to preference. viii)3 different kinds of Font Styles are also included. ix) Shareoption lets one to distribute this beautiful app with loved ones.Download this free and easy to use Islamic Application onSmartphone in order to benefit from Daily Duas in your life.
Dua e Qunoot & More 2.91
Quran Reading
Learn Dua e Qunoot includes Ayatul Kursi, Names of Allah, IslamicDuas & Azkar
Surah Yasin Bahasa Indonesia 2.9
Quran Reading
Surah Yasin dengan MP3 pengajian dan terjemahan dalam BahasaIndonesia
6 Kalma of Islam by Word 2020 1.7
Quran Reading
Word by Word Learning of 6 Kalmas of Islam
Learn Ayatul Kursi - By Word 1.4
Quran Reading
Ayatul Kursi Learning Word By Word
10 Surah for Kids Word By Word 3.2
Quran Reading
10 Surahs for Kids is a Word by Word Educational Islamic App forKids Learning
Kids Wudu Series - Muslim App 1.4
Quran Reading
Wudu Guide for Muslim Kids - Step by Step
Panj Surah - Yasin & More 1.4
Quran Reading
Panj Surah is an Islamic App with 5 Surahs of the Holy Quran -Ramadan 2023
Surah Rahman & More Surahs 4.9
Quran Reading
Surah Rehman with Transliteration and Translation in MultipleLanguages
Step By Step Salah - Namaz 5.5
Quran Reading
Useful App to learn proper way of offering Step by step Salah withAzan Audio.
Ayatul Kursi with Tajweed 3.7
Quran Reading
Learn Ayatul Kursi with Tajweed & Test Your RecitationInstantly with Live Tutor
Al Quran MP3 - Quran Reading® 8.3
Quran Reading
Al Quran Karim Application with MP3 Recitation, Translation &Transliteration
Surah Kahf Urdu Translation 1.9
Quran Reading
Listen Beautiful Reciation of Surah Al Kahf with Urdu Translation
Surah Al-Kahf 3.5
Quran Reading
Learn to read Surah Al-Kahf with Transliteration, Translation andRecitation
Surah Maryam 2.0
Quran Reading
Surah Maryam App with audio recitation, translation andtransliteration
Qibla Connect: Qibla Direction 11.0
Quran Reading
Qibla Direction Finder & Quran reading APP with Prayer times,Azan & Quran
Surah Yasin 7.5
Quran Reading
Read Surah Yaseen with Translation, Transliteration and Recitationby 2 Reciters
Ayatul Kursi in Urdu 2.3
Quran Reading
Ayatul Kursi Urdu is an Islamic Android Application, whichisdeveloped to enlighten the Muslims with thetranslation,transliteration, and audio recitation of Ayatul Kursiin Urdulanguage. Main screen is designed to have the entire AyatulKursiwith its benefits and blessings to facilitate the users withthedivine blessings of the longest verse of Quran. Otherfeaturesinclude: Word by Word transliteration of the throne verseof Quran,aids Muslims to improve their Tajweed of Quran. Change ofFont sizeand Font style for the better comprehension and visibilityofverses as per user choice. Soulful Audio recitation in thevoicesof two renowned reciters: Mishary Alfasay and Abdul RahmanAlSudais. Translation option is available where user canchoosebetween Urdu and English languages. Play, pause, save, andshareoptions Download this free of charge Android application andgraspthe sacred blessings with user-friendly interface andworthdownloading features. Jazak Allah!
Surah Al-Waqiah 2.9
Quran Reading
Surah Al-Waqiah is a Smartphone Application that lets millionsofMuslims throughout the world to better recite, learn and listentorecital of the greatly sanctified Chapter of Quran Majeed,i.e.Al-Waqiah. It offers Audio Recitation, TranslationandTransliteration enabling the user in understanding thesacredAyaats of this Blessed Chapter in efficient way. Features:The mostprominent attributes of this mobile phone app are: •User-friendlyInterface nevertheless striking illustration of theQuranic text. •Beautiful recital of the hallowed verses in soulfulvoices of themost eminent Reciters Al-Sudais, Al-Afasy andAl-Ghamdi. •Translation of the concrete significance of Ayaats intoEnglish. •Transliteration shows the Arabic transcript in English asit is toassist the app consumer in pronouncing the verses properly.• Playand Stop choices let one begin and end reading process at anytime.• Repeat option is also given for frequent Audio recital ofanyAyah. • Last Read lets one have knowledge of the formerlyreadverse. • Go To assists in finding a specific Ayah directly. •FontSize can be modified as per one`s own liking. • 3 exclusiveFontStyles are also accessible. • 3 unique Font and BackgroundColorsare also on hand. • Share choice lets one hand out thisextremelyuseful app with others using a variety of onlinedistributionplatforms. Download this free of charge andeffortlesslycomprehensible Smartphone application of SurahAl-Waqiah to improverecitation and learn about this greatly blessedChapter of QuranMajeed.
6 Kalma of Islam 2021 3.8
Quran Reading
The 6 Kalmas of Islam 2021 is an application in which peoplecanrecite the Kalimas of Islam with perfect pronunciationandtranslation. The Application inculcates 6 Kalmas thatareobligatory upon every Muslim to learn by heart. Thisparticularapplication makes the process of learning these IslamicKalmas byheart very easy and convenient. The App includes SixKalimas inArabic and English and Urdu translation andtransliteration withinteractive interface. All six Kalmas are inArabic with correctpronunciation (Tajweed) given in English andUrdu translationcomprising: • Kalima Shahadah stands for the remarkof evidence. •Kalma Tamjeed explains the expression of Majesty. •Kalma Tauheedis the declaration towards oneness of Allah Almighty.• KalmaAstaghfar is the word of penitence to seek forgiveness. •KalmaRadde Kufr has discrete subject of word of rejection.Distinctivefeatures include: • Urdu translation for each kalma •Englishtranslation of Each Kalima of Islam • Learn Kalima of Islamwithauthentic pronunciation • Audio Mp3 recitation in thesoulfulvoices of renowned recitors Download this incomparable Appandlearn 6 Kalima of Islam to extract the blessings in order tolearnthe real essence of Islam.
Sahih Bukhari in Urdu 1.75
Quran Reading
Sahih Bukhari Urdu is a Smartphone Application that comprisestheentire collection of sayings and deeds (hadith) of ProphetMuhammad(PBUH) compiled back by Imam Bukhari. This Application isin Urdufor the native user for their best facilitation andbetterunderstandings. Main Screen consists of List of Books,Introductionalong other embedded features. List of Books containall6483-compiled Hadiths in 97 separate chapters.Introductioncontains brief description to the compiled Sunnah ofProphetMuhammad (PBUH) and the work of Imam Bukhari. Otherfeaturesinclude: • Translation of Hadiths in available Urdu andEnglishlanguages. • Change of theme for clear visibility. • Changeof Fontsize and Font style for user assistance. • Hadith of thedaynotification in order to get daily alerts from the App andstayconnected to the teachings of beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).•Bookmarking for favorite and later-to-read Hadith. • Go Tooptionfor quick access and launch to the required Hadiths ofMuhammad(SAW). • Share and save settings. Following ProphetMuhammad (PBUH)is a direct following of Allah Almighty; hencedownload thisApplication, as nothing is better than adopting andacting on theSunnah of Muhammad (PBUH).
Al Quran Bahasa Melayu MP3 3.5
Quran Reading
Quran Kareem with Malay Recitation & Translation mp3